Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Night" by Elie Weisel (Germany)

The thing  i will remember the longest abut the book in is that elie and his family were being transported to the conconcentration camp in the freezing clod with a lot of people shoved in one train.the other thing that Im going to remember is that lady that was getting blows to the heads because she was screaming and alot of people didin'tlike that. So that why they were hitting her in the head. After the blows she got in the head she fell to the growed and was dieing becuase all the the blows she got to the head. The image that will stick with im the most is went they had to see the guy that was eating from the pot of food.After the ss officer new thathe was eating the soup they got him and hanged him. Yes, the book night has change my mind a little bit, but not that much. the par that I found the saddestis went they didn't give them to eat.

Eduardo M.

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